21 days idea

Vegetarian diet

According to statistical data, the most popular in the world is a vegetarian diet, and in many European countries about 20%. population are vegetarians, so we also take into account the needs of vegetarians. After ordering this program, you will receive a "21 days" food package every working day in the morning or in the evening: breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks. Lunch and dinner - in two parts: a salad and a hearty plant-based dish.
The diet of this nutrition program consists of quality products of plant origin: unprocessed grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds. The program is designed so that there is enough protein, iron and vitamin B12 in the diet. It is these substances that are sometimes lacking in vegetarians with an unbalanced diet. The dishes do not contain added sugar, harmful food additives, flour dishes are made only from whole grain products.
By choosing this program, you will enjoy the variety of vegetarian dishes and you will always feel full of energy.
You want to eat a healthy vegetarian diet, but you don't have time to cook;
There are no suitable vegetarian cafes serving healthy food near work;
You don't always find the plant-based products you need at the supermarket;
You want a complete vegetarian diet, with a sufficient amount of protein, iron and vitamins;
You want to avoid the monotony of food and enjoy the variety of food;
You want to improve your health;
You want to get rid of the craving for sweets;
You want to lose weight.
If this program is for you, you can choose one of the 3 most suitable calorie amounts for you:
1200kcal is the minimum recommended amount of calories for safe and healthy weight loss. This caloric content is perfect for women who exercise little or not at all, as well as for women who want to maintain their existing weight and maintain healthy eating habits.
1600kcal - this program is recommended for slimming, non-exercising men and slimming, but exercising women.
2000kcal - this program is recommended for men who are losing weight and doing sports.
price from 17.60 eur